Healthy You, the free health tipsheet published by The Nation’s Health, marks its fifth anniversary this month. To honor the milestone, the newspaper has released Spanish-language versions of the popular feature.
All 50 issues of the award-winning one-page tipsheets are now available free, in English and Spanish, at Users are encouraged to download and copy the materials and use them in their health promotion efforts.
“With the addition of the Spanish-language versions of Healthy You, we are pleased to make this important health information available to even more people,” said Michele Late, executive editor of The Nation’s Health.
Launched in October 2006, each issue of Healthy You offers easy-to-understand information on a single health topic.
Researched and written by The Nation’s Health editorial staff, the colorful, easy-to-use feature draws on material from the most current science-based research as well as trusted sources in the federal and private sectors. From the very first tipsheet, which addressed portion sizes, to this month’s coverage of children and sports safety, Healthy You has addressed a range of public health topics, including vaccinations, pedestrian safety, obesity, pregnancy nutrition, eye health, hand-washing, asthma, diabetes, cholesterol, occupational health, home safety, oral health, teen health, foot health and helmet safety.
“Healthy You is an important part of our mission of providing timely, accurate health information,” Late said. “Health professionals need to be able to provide information to the public in a reader-friendly format, and Healthy You is a useful tool that can help them fulfill that goal.”

According to Late, Healthy You is being used in a wide range of outreach efforts across the country. Readers report handing out copies at health fairs, community meetings and on campus. Some readers hang copies of Healthy You on the bulletin boards in their patient waiting rooms, post copies on their websites or distribute them at work, in addition to sharing them with their friends and families.
Over the years, praise for Healthy You has poured in from readers across the United States. This summer, a Delaware reader wrote to express her appreciation for the August issue of Healthy You, which addressed gym-related infections.
“I coordinate a health outreach ministry in Salisbury, Md.,” wrote Dot Baker, EdD, CNS-BC, MS-N, RN, a professor of nursing in the College of Health Professions at Wilmington University in Georgetown, Del., in a letter to the paper. “The article informed and inspired me to write my monthly newsletter article about health at play and exercise. I often share the Healthy You articles with others and use them for personal information.”
In 2007, Healthy You received an APEX Award of Excellence from the Awards for Publication Excellence in the “marketing and public relations writing” category.
The Nation’s Health welcomes topic suggestions for Healthy You. To submit ideas, tips and suggestions, email teddi.johnson{at}apha. org or call 202-777-2529.
For more information on Healthy You, visit
- Copyright The Nation’s Health, American Public Health Association