Frequently asked questions about Healthy You
What is Healthy You?
Healthy You is a free health tipsheet published 10 times a year by The Nation’s Health, the official newspaper of the American Public Health Association. Healthy You offers easy-to-understand materials on a range of health topics. Each issue addresses a single health topic. Healthy You tipsheets are available in both English and Spanish.
How is Healthy You created?
Healthy You is researched and written by The Nation’s Health editorial staff. The material draws from the most current science-based research as well as trusted sources in the federal and private sectors.
How can I use Healthy You?
Healthy You can be downloaded and copied as many times as you’d like.
• Hand out copies at your health fair, at community meetings or on campus.
• Hang it in your medical office, on the bulletin board at work or post it on your Web site.
• Reprint the text in your community newsletter or in your church flier.
• Share copies of Healthy You with your family and friends.
Everyone has a use for Healthy You!
Do I need permission to use Healthy You?
In most cases, no. If you want to print Healthy You in your classroom materials, make copies to pass out or reprint it in a free newsletter or on your website, you do not need permission. But you must include a credit that says “Reprinted with permission from The Nation’s Health, APHA.”
If you post the information on your website, blog or other online venue, you must include a link to the Healthy You home page,
You will need permission to reprint Healthy You if you plan to reprint the text in a commercial publication that will be resold. Healthy You content may not be resold in any way without permission.
Can I post a link to the Healthy You Web site?
Yes, please do! No permission is needed.
Can I use the photos that appear in Healthy You?
No. The Nation’s Health purchases usage rights to the photos used in the layout of Healthy You, but does not own the photos. If you wish to use a photo from Healthy You, you must purchase your own usage rights. Most of the photos in Healthy You are acquired from iStockphoto.
Can I suggest topics for Healthy You?
Yes. The Nation’s Health welcomes your suggestions. Please send us your ideas, tips and suggestions.
Who should I contact for more information about Healthy You?
For more information about Healthy You, email us or call 202-777-2529.