Maternal health
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office on Women’s Health in June released a new online resource, “Supporting Nursing Moms at Work: Employer Solutions,” for businesses. Employers can use the website to get suggestions on how to make their businesses breastfeeding-friendly, as is specified under the Affordable Care Act. For more information, visit
Infectious disease
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in July released “Influenza Division International Activities Fiscal Year 2012 and 2013 Annual Report.” The report is a country-by-country breakdown of what has been done to improve and expand influenza surveillance, preparedness and laboratory capacity. For more information, visit
Preventive care
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force in July released an e-book version of its “Guide to Clinical Preventive Services.” The e-book of the 2014 guide has the most up-to-date USPSTF recommendations for primary care doctors to make the best preventive care choices with their patients. For more information, visit
The U.S. Census Bureau in July released an updated international database on HIV/AIDS cases and deaths. The database contains thousands of statistics from individual country HIV/AIDS surveillance reports, global peer-reviewed scientific journals and more. The resource is funded via the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief through the U.S. Agency for International Development. For more information, visit
Disaster preparedness
The Environmental Protection Agency in July released its Flood Resilience Checklist. The checklist is a resource for communities to use in preparing for floods, and makes recommendations in storm water management via supporting green infrastructure and directing new development to less flood-prone areas. The tool is also part of the report, “Planning for Flood Recovery and Long-Term Resilience in Vermont: Smart Growth Approaches for Disaster Resilient Communities.” For more information, visit
Injury prevention
The Americans for Responsible Solutions and the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence in August released the toolkit “Commonsense Solutions: How State Laws Can Reduce Gun Deaths Associated with Mental Illness.” The toolkit is a resource for state governments looking for ways to develop legislation that prevents people with severe mental illness from accessing guns. For more information, visit
Public health law
The Network for Public Health Law in August released a primer “Emergency Legal Preparedness Concerning Ebola Virus Disease.” Created by James Hodge Jr., JD, LLM, the primer is a resource on emergency preparedness legal issues arising from international efforts to contain the disease in West Africa. The resource also includes links to information on isolation measures and travel restrictions. For more information, visit
Chronic disease
World Scientific in September published “Global Health Perspectives in Prediabetes and Diabetes Prevention.” Authored by Michael Bergman, MD, FACP, the book contains a series of insights from international leaders and academicians with knowledge of diabetes, endocrinology, epidemiology and public health. Authors touch on issues such as nutritional policies to prevent diabetes and a global health agenda for prevention. The book also has information on diabetes, its diagnosis and clinical trial results from prevention and treatment efforts. For more information, visit
Senior health
New York University Press in October is scheduled to published “Labors of Love: Nursing Homes and the Structures of Care Work.“ Authored by Jason Rodriguez, PhD, the book looks at the challenges two U.S. nursing homes — one not-for-profit and one for-profit — face when it comes to staffing, finances, Medicare, Medicaid and more as the nation’s baby boomers continue to age. For more information, visit
Minority health
Columbia University Press in November is scheduled to publish “Baby Boomers of Color: Implications for Social Work Policy and Practice.” Authored by Melvin Delgado, PhD, MS, the book addresses the lack of national data on U.S. minority groups that helps influence policies, programs and services. The book also makes recommendations for how to meet the emotional, financial and health needs of various racial and ethnic groups, such as African-Americans, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders and Hispanics. For more information, visit
- Copyright The Nation’s Health, American Public Health Association