Antimicrobial stewardship
The Pan American Health Organization, World Health Organization and Florida International University in November released “Recommendations for Implementing Antimicrobial Stewardship programs in Latin American and the Caribbean: Manual for Public Health Decision-Makers.” The publication is designed to guide health authorities and providers in the Americas on efficiently using antibiotics and preventing resistance. For more information, visit:
Opioid epidemic
Oxford University Press in June is scheduled to publish “The Opioid Epidemic: What Everyone Needs to Know.” Written by Yngvild Olsen, MD, MPH, and Joshua Sharfstein, MD, the book is a comprehensive look at the science and the social issues surrounding the drugs. For more information, visit
Disaster cleanup
The Environmental Protection Agency has developed tools to help local leaders manage waste and debris in their communities in the aftermath of natural disasters. Among the tools are the Incident Waste Assessment and Tonnage Estimator, and the Municipal Solid Waste Decision Support Tool. The tools can be used to locate disposal sites for disaster debris and calculate environmental and economic tradeoffs of waste management. For more information, visit
Oxford University Press in June is scheduled to publish “Antibiotics: What Everyone Needs to Know.” Written by Mary Wilson, MD, the book provides an overview of the history, global impact, benefits and dangers of antibiotics. For more information, visit
Hearing check app
The World Health Organization in March launched hearWHO, a free mobile application that enables people to check their hearing regularly. The app is targeted toward people who have a high risk of hearing loss or who already show signs. For more information, visit
Climate change
Springer International Publishing in February released “Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals.” Written by Sven Teske, EdD, after two years of research, the book covers how to tackle climate change and how to effectively implement renewable energy. For more information, visit
Transgender sex work
The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Roundtable of the American Library Association has included “Transgender Sex Work and Society” on the 2019 Over the Rainbow Recommended Book List. Edited by Larry Nuttbrock, the book, published in 2018 by Harrington Park Press, explores transgender sex work in the world through a public health and medical sociological lens. For more information, visit
Universal coverage
Johns Hopkins University Press in January published “The Road to Universal Health Coverage.” Edited by Louis Galambos, PhD, MA; Illona Kickbusch, PhD, MA; and Jeffrey Sturchio, PhD, the book critically examines the role of the private sector in the development of universal health care systems in countries through current case studies and theoretical discussions. For more information, visit
- Copyright The Nation’s Health, American Public Health Association