Quality improvement book
The Public Health Foundation, in partnership with the American Society for Quality, recently released “The Public Health Quality Improvement Handbook.” The book's 28 chapters are written by public health practitioners who are successfully meeting client needs, working together to maximize outcomes and expanding their collaboration with community partners to encourage better health within neighborhoods, counties and states. To order a copy, visit http://www.phf.org/.
Online mesothelioma resource
MesoLink, an online mesothelioma resource center at www.mesolink.org, offers information about diseases stemming from asbestos exposure, including mesothelioma, and the different treatment options available. The site discusses ongoing clinical trials and tells how to secure legal representation. Cancer centers that specialize in mesothelioma are listed and words of hope from people currently battling the disease are shared.
Back pain Web site
The North American Spine Society in November launched a new patient education Web site to provide health information related to the causes, treatment and prevention of neck and back disorders. The site, at www.knowyourback.org, features a range of educational tools, including articles and reference materials on back pain, degenerative conditions, injuries, infections, tumors, scoliosis and emotional distress.
Multiple sclerosis guide
Demos Health in December announced the publication of “The Multiple Sclerosis Manifesto: Action to Take, Principles to Live By.” Authored by Julie Stachowiak, PhD, the book takes an action-oriented approach to living with multiple sclerosis and is a call to self-reliance and political action. For information, visit www.demosmedpub.com.
Asthma information
Omnigraphics in December released the second edition of “Asthma Information for Teens.” The 60-chapter book provides introductory information for teens who have recently received an asthma diagnosis as well as information for teens who have lived with asthma since early childhood. For more information, visit www.omnigraphics.com or call 800-234-1340.
Chemicals resource
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in December released “Fourth National Report on Human Exposure to Environmental Chemicals.” Assessing Americans’ exposure to environmental chemicals, the 527-page document summarizes blood and urine levels for 212 chemicals, including levels for 75 chemicals never before measured in a representative sample of the U.S. population. Download the report and executive summary at http://www.cdc.gov/exposurereport.
Oral health care resource
The National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center in December announced the availability of “Oral Health Resource Bulletin: Volume XXII.” The resource includes information about barriers to oral health care, the dental home and perinatal care. Download a copy at http://www.mchoralhealth.org/materials/multiples/interchange.html.
Diagnosis and treatment book
Rutgers University Press in January released “Diagnosis, Therapy, and Evidence — Conundrums in Modern American Medicine.” Written by Gerald Grob and Allan Horowitz, the book addresses the complexities of diagnosis and treatment of important chronic diseases. For more information, visit http://rutgerspress.rutgers.edu/index.html.
- Copyright The Nation’s Health, American Public Health Association