Teen mental health resource
TeenScreen National Center for Mental Health Checkups at Columbia University in January announced the release of free resources to help mental health providers who serve teens comply with new federal recommendations. The tools are available at www.teenscreen.org.
Adult immunization education videos
The Pennsylvania Immunization Coalition in January announced the release of two new videos discussing the importance of adult immunizations. The two- and 17-minute videos are available at www.immunizepa.org/projects/details.php?id=119.
Arthritis, environmental health and contagious disease resources
Omnigraphics recently announced the release of “Contagious Diseases Sourcebook, Second Edition;” “Arthritis Sourcebook, Third Edition;” and “Environmental Health Sourcebook, Third Edition.” Order the new publications at www.omnigraphics.com.
Breast cancer book
Rutgers University Press recently released “From Pink to Green: Disease Prevention and the Environmental Breast Cancer Movement.” Authored by Barbara L. Ley, the book explores how activism and science interact to shape beliefs about breast cancer and its cause. Order the book at http://rutgerspress.rutgers.edu.
Peer-reviewed journal
The Society of Participatory Medicine in October released the inaugural issue of the “Journal of Participatory Medicine.” The peer-reviewed academic journal documents the impact of participatory medicine on health. For more information, visit http://jopm.org.]
Obesity resource
The Institute for Healthcare Advancement in February released “What to Do For Heavy Kids.” Written at a fifth-grade level, the book is designed to help reading-challenged parents deal with the serious health issue of childhood obesity and is the most recent book in the “What To Do for Health” book series. For more information, visit www.iha4health.org.
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender health resource
Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays, or PFLAG, in February announced the release of a new health resource for health care providers who serve lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people. “Straight for Equality in Healthcare” is the second publication from the organization’s Straight for Equality project. The new publication is featured on the Straight for Equality in Healthcare Web site at www.straightforequality.org/healthcare.
Alzheimer’s disease research report
The National Institute on Aging in February released its latest annual report on Alzheimer’s disease research. The report, “2008 Progress Report on Alzheimer’s Disease: Moving Forward in Discovery,” summarizes current scientific directions and highlights findings from National Institutes of Health-funded Alzheimer’s research. Download or read the report at www.nia.nih.gov/Alzheimers/Publications/ADProgress2008.
- Copyright The Nation’s Health, American Public Health Association