Pettigrew named deputy dean
APHA member Melinda Pettigrew, PhD, was announced as the new deputy dean of the Yale School of Public Health on April 1. Pettigrew, a professor of epidemiology, is a leader in research on pathobionts of the respiratory and gastrointestinal tracts. She began her new position on May 1.
Graham among new National Academy of Science members
APHA member Barney Graham, MD, PhD, a professor in the Departments of Medicine and Microbiology, Biochemistry and Immunology, at Morehouse School of Medicine, was elected as a member of the National Academy of Sciences in May. Graham joined more than 100 new members, including E. Dale Abel, MD, PhD; Arturo Casadevall, MD, PhD; Kristin Hogquist, PhD; Michael Lichten, PhD; and Julie Segre, PhD. The newly elected members were recognized for their contributions to new knowledge and research.
Harris named chief health equity officer
On May 23, Cedars-Sinai named Christina Harris, MD, as its vice president and chief health equity officer. Harris joins the nonprofit hospital in Los Angeles to promote health equity and address racial disparities. Harris succeeds Linda Burnes Bolton, DrPH, RN, who was the first person to hold the CHEO position.
Wilson receives Watkins Saunders Award
Donald Wilson, MD, received the Watkins Saunders Award from the American Heart Association on April 28. Wilson is a former dean of the University of Maryland School of Medicine, former vice president for medical affairs of the University of Maryland and former senior vice president for health sciences at Howard University. His work focuses on diversifying his field and increasing funding for his institutions.
Becker appointed director
Sara Becker, PhD, was tapped to become the inaugural director of the Center for Dissemination and Implementation Science, a new organization started at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. Becker, a professor at Brown University, focuses on translating new research findings into clinical practice. She will begin in the new position on Aug. 1.
Furr-Holden named dean
C. Debra Furr-Holden, PhD, was appointed dean of New York University’s School of Global Public Health in March. Furr-Holden, an expert in health disparity and equity research, most recently worked at Michigan State University. She will begin in her new position on July 1.
Norris, Reusch receive awards
Jill Norris, PhD, MPH, and Jane Reusch, MD, researchers at the University of Colorado, in April received awards from the American Diabetes Association as top researchers in the field of diabetes research. Norris received the Kelly West Award for Outstanding Achievement in Epidemiology for her work in diabetes epidemiology. Reusch received the Albert Renold Award for her work in research and mentorship.
Virnig chosen as new dean
Beth Virnig, PhD, MPH, was named the new dean of the University of Florida College of Public Health and Health Professions. Virnig, who most recentlt worked at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health, conducts research on how different factors impact patient care. She will begin in her new role July 11.
Pearlman announced director
On May 3, A.J. Pearlman was announced as the new director of Public Health AmeriCorps. His appointment is part of a new initiative with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to create a pipeline for future public health leaders. Pearlman previously worked as the chief of staff for COVID-19 response at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
New center at Tufts University
In April, Tufts University established a new Center for Black Maternal Health and reproductive justice, which will be housed in the medical school. The new center aims to tackle health disparities among pregnant Black women. Research and public policy work will be the two main focuses of the center.
Whitehair recognized by ACOG
Jennifer Whitehair, MD, FACOG, was awarded the 2022 American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Outstanding American Indian-Alaska Native Women’s Healthcare Clinician Award in May. A practitioner of nearly two decades, Whitehair is a board-certified Navajo OB/GYN at Tuba City Regional Health Care Corp.
Hayes promoted at infectious disease office
B. Kaye Hayes, MPA, was named deputy assistant secretary for infectious disease and the director of the Office of Infectious Disease and HIV/AIDS Policy in May. Kaye previously served as the acting deputy director and senior advisor for policy for the Office on Women’s Health and as special assistant and senior advisor for policy for the U.S. surgeon general and the assistant secretary for health.
Aaron Warnick contributed to this article.
- Copyright The Nation’s Health, American Public Health Association